Luke Skywalker
Is a male, born in the year 19BBY.Read MoreC-3PO
Is a n/a, born in the year 112BBY.Read MoreR2-D2
Is a n/a, born in the year 33BBY.Read MoreDarth Vader
Is a male, born in the year 41.9BBY.Read MoreLeia Organa
Is a female, born in the year 19BBY.Read MoreOwen Lars
Is a male, born in the year 52BBY.Read MoreBeru Whitesun lars
Is a female, born in the year 47BBY.Read MoreR5-D4
Is a n/a, born in the year unknown.Read MoreBiggs Darklighter
Is a male, born in the year 24BBY.Read MoreObi-Wan Kenobi
Is a male, born in the year 57BBY.Read MoreAnakin Skywalker
Is a male, born in the year 41.9BBY.Read MoreWilhuff Tarkin
Is a male, born in the year 64BBY.Read MoreChewbacca
Is a male, born in the year 200BBY.Read MoreHan Solo
Is a male, born in the year 29BBY.Read MoreGreedo
Is a male, born in the year 44BBY.Read MoreJabba Desilijic Tiure
Is a hermaphrodite, born in the year 600BBY.Read MoreWedge Antilles
Is a male, born in the year 21BBY.Read MoreJek Tono Porkins
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreYoda
Is a male, born in the year 896BBY.Read MorePalpatine
Is a male, born in the year 82BBY.Read MoreBoba Fett
Is a male, born in the year 31.5BBY.Read MoreIG-88
Is a none, born in the year 15BBY.Read MoreBossk
Is a male, born in the year 53BBY.Read MoreLando Calrissian
Is a male, born in the year 31BBY.Read MoreLobot
Is a male, born in the year 37BBY.Read MoreAckbar
Is a male, born in the year 41BBY.Read MoreMon Mothma
Is a female, born in the year 48BBY.Read MoreArvel Crynyd
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreWicket Systri Warrick
Is a male, born in the year 8BBY.Read MoreNien Nunb
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreQui-Gon Jinn
Is a male, born in the year 92BBY.Read MoreNute Gunray
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreFinis Valorum
Is a male, born in the year 91BBY.Read MorePadmé Amidala
Is a female, born in the year 46BBY.Read MoreJar Jar Binks
Is a male, born in the year 52BBY.Read MoreRoos Tarpals
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreRugor Nass
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreRic Olié
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreWatto
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreSebulba
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreQuarsh Panaka
Is a male, born in the year 62BBY.Read MoreShmi Skywalker
Is a female, born in the year 72BBY.Read MoreDarth Maul
Is a male, born in the year 54BBY.Read MoreBib Fortuna
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreAyla Secura
Is a female, born in the year 48BBY.Read MoreRatts Tyerel
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreDud Bolt
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreGasgano
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreBen Quadinaros
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreMace Windu
Is a male, born in the year 72BBY.Read MoreKi-Adi-Mundi
Is a male, born in the year 92BBY.Read MoreKit Fisto
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreEeth Koth
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreAdi Gallia
Is a female, born in the year unknown.Read MoreSaesee Tiin
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreYarael Poof
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MorePlo Koon
Is a male, born in the year 22BBY.Read MoreMas Amedda
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreGregar Typho
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreCordé
Is a female, born in the year unknown.Read MoreCliegg Lars
Is a male, born in the year 82BBY.Read MorePoggle the Lesser
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreLuminara Unduli
Is a female, born in the year 58BBY.Read MoreBarriss Offee
Is a female, born in the year 40BBY.Read MoreDormé
Is a female, born in the year unknown.Read MoreDooku
Is a male, born in the year 102BBY.Read MoreBail Prestor Organa
Is a male, born in the year 67BBY.Read MoreJango Fett
Is a male, born in the year 66BBY.Read MoreZam Wesell
Is a female, born in the year unknown.Read MoreDexter Jettster
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreLama Su
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreTaun We
Is a female, born in the year unknown.Read MoreJocasta Nu
Is a female, born in the year unknown.Read MoreR4-P17
Is a female, born in the year unknown.Read MoreWat Tambor
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreSan Hill
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreShaak Ti
Is a female, born in the year unknown.Read MoreGrievous
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreTarfful
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreRaymus Antilles
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read MoreSly Moore
Is a female, born in the year unknown.Read MoreTion Medon
Is a male, born in the year unknown.Read More Back to Home